I've noticed no photos this year of dangerous horseplay. I'd take it that teams have heeded your advice on tomfoolery. Maybe?
Brilliant deduction Watson, but you would be wrong!
I think Brain Barnhard is overwhelmed by the childish acts of tomfoolery committed by his charges at Indy this year.
Maybe Mr. Barnhard has the “I don’t care anymore” attitude parents sometimes get when they no longer have any effect on the discipline of their kids.
He’s letting the teams and drivers do whatever they want, and if they get hurt while perpetrating their shenanigans…oh friggin’ well…he’s not paying the hospital bills!
Sucks to be them, I guess.
Anyhoo…here are some of the acts of dangerous horseplay and safety violations I have documented so far this May:
-Overloaded pit car/golf cart.
-Overloaded pit car/golf cart.
And probably the worst thing I've witnessed this month...
This is not only a blatant safety violation, but it should also offend the delicate sensitivities of all real and fast race fans world wide!
This person is performing some kind of sick and twisted real Indy racing proctological exam!
Filthy stinking molesting pervert!
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