Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yard Sign For the Kindler, Gentler, More Cuddly Domesticated Terrorist: The Debut Of III Kitty!

III Kitty© has grown weary of the bullshit.


  1. III-kitty politely inquires: "friend or foe?"


    1. Ha! "III Kitty." We may be on to something big here that could spiral completely and wonderfully out of control!

      (I'd better trademark/copyright that shit with much haste)

  2. Don't fuck with me or my kitty; Either one of us will tear your ass up......

  3. You've gone and done it, you've sold your soul to the internet cat brigade, there's no returning you know.......... ;)

  4. cats that hunt can pass all others get paintballs up the ass dogs rule


Feel free to comment away with your bad-ass selves.

Cursing and foul language is fine...even encouraged here. In fact, I think cussing is fucking wonderful.

Just remember...this is MY house, and I will not be insulted or maliciously messed with here.

Good-natured ribbing is cool, but if you and I don't have some kind of previous relationship, you had best mind your fucking manners or I will relegate you to the intardnets dustbin for being a cunt.

To know me is to love me.

Or something.
