Friday, January 25, 2013

This Made My Fucking Day!

So...I'm off work today, and that gave me a chance to be a good dad for a change and attend an event at our local high school honoring my incredible daughter because she is...well...incredible.

After the event, my wife and I walk outside, and because I am keenly observant, I see this almost immediately and laugh my ass off.

 It's a police car, if you couldn't tell...

Another parent walking nearby saw it also and said a photo of it should be put on the intardnets with much haste.

I replied, "What a stupid idea!  Are you fucking retarded or something?  I bet you voted for O'Vomit, didn't you?  Disappear, you treasonous bastard!"


I am a people person. 

Within minutes, the image was on my FacePlant page.

I am happy to know that there are kindred spirits within the ranks of my small town.

My happiness is of paramount importance.

Don't you agree?

1 comment:

Feel free to comment away with your bad-ass selves.

Cursing and foul language is fine...even encouraged here. In fact, I think cussing is fucking wonderful.

Just remember...this is MY house, and I will not be insulted or maliciously messed with here.

Good-natured ribbing is cool, but if you and I don't have some kind of previous relationship, you had best mind your fucking manners or I will relegate you to the intardnets dustbin for being a cunt.

To know me is to love me.

Or something.
